Students must immediately report to their roll call number after leaving the locker room.
Students must work on pushups and stretching until the teacher arrives for roll call.
Students must quietly sit on the roll call number and do sit-up crunches during roll call.
After roll call, students are to listen to instructions of the teacher and follow directives
No iPods, cell phones, food, candy, drinks (except water), gum, jewelry, hats, glasses, etc.
Student must never leave their assigned area or stop an activity without the teacher's permission.
Profanity, harassment, throwing rocks, rude comments, or jesters will not be tolerated.
Student must take their P.E. notebook (portfolio), pencil, and paper to class every day.
Always try to do your best at all times on all assignments and activities.
Students must immediately do make-up work for all excused absences.